Let's have a look at QF-Test

A test-suite in QF-Test is mainly represented by a tree structure of different node types. It may contain test-sets and test-cases as well as reusable procedures and component information. On the righthand side a detail view displays all attributes of the currently selected tree node.
QF-Test welcome screen - The welcome screen contains a number of helpful links to main entry points like demo video, quickstart wizard, tutorial, manual, FAQ and demo suites.
Creation of the automated tests without programming:
You can create and replay your first tests easily via record/replay without needing any programming skills. The tests are fully editable with our low-code interface and can be modified at any point in the execution path. The test run is  presented in a clear tree structure.
Stable Automated GUI testing:
QF-Test masters complex elements like dynamic trees and tables. The tests are tolerant to UI changes. The sophisticated recognition mechanism leads to extraordinary maintainability and low maintenance effort, the most important factor in software test automation. Thanks to the new SmartIDs, objects such as buttons or text fields are addressed even more directly and it's even possible to write tests before an application is fully developed (Test-driven development).
Test debugger - QF-Test's integrated test debugger proved very useful for step-by-step execution. It allows setting of breakpoints, a continued test-run at a different position, inspection of variable binding etc.
Run-log with error - All detailed information and results of a test-run are stored in the run-log. Also organized as tree structure it allows convenient handling and is the central resource for error analysis.
HTML report - HTML reports provides a quick overview about the tests performed. Beside the overall result it contains numbers of successful, failed and skipped test-cases including detailed information on durations, error messages and screenshots.
Dark Mode: Run-log with error - All detailed information and results of a test-run are stored in the run-log. Also organized as tree structure it allows convenient handling and is the central resource for error analysis.
Test debugger in dark mode - QF-Test's integrated test debugger proved very useful for step-by-step execution. It allows setting of breakpoints, a continued test-run at a different position, inspection of variable binding etc.
Stable Automated GUI testing in dark mode:
QF-Test masters complex elements like dynamic trees and tables. The tests are tolerant to UI changes. The sophisticated recognition mechanism leads to extraordinary maintainability and low maintenance effort, the most important factor in software test automation. Thanks to the new SmartIDs, objects such as buttons or text fields are addressed even more directly and it's even possible to write tests before an application is fully developed (Test-driven development).
Creation of the automated tests without programming in dark mode:
You can create and replay your first tests easily via record/replay without needing any programming skills. The tests are fully editable with our low-code interface and can be modified at any point in the execution path. The test run is  presented in a clear tree structure.
Dark Mode: 
QF-Test welcome screen - The welcome screen contains a number of helpful links to main entry points like demo video, quickstart wizard, tutorial, manual, FAQ and demo suites.
Supported QF-Test technologies: Java, Web, Android, iOS, Windows

The supported technologies

QF-Test Logo
  • Any Java application (Java Swing, SWT/Eclipse, JavaFX) cross-platform on Windows, Linux and macOS
  • HTML 5, Web applications cross-browser and headless with CDP connection mode and web driver

More than 1,500 customers appreciate QF‑Test!

QF-Test worldwide
Testing worldwide

Over 9,000 QF-Test licenses in more than 1,500 companies and 60 countries in use.

QF-Test Joy of testing
Joy of testing

QF-Test tests itself every night with more than 20.000 test cases.

20 years of QF-Test
Established tool

QF-Test has been refined for 20 years and is in the market since 2001.

QF-Test made in Germany
Quality First Software

Quality made in Germany -  excellent support in English

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Next free QF-Test special webinar

[Translate to English:] Barrierefreiheit testen mit QF-Test
Web Accessibility Testing with QF-Test

On Monday, May 19, 2025, 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM CEST, in English

By June 28 of this year, business websites within the EU must be accessible.
But what does accessibility mean in a web context? What do providers have to pay attention to?
And above all: How can QF-Test support you in meeting the legal requirements?

In this webinar, we will give a brief introduction to web accessibility and present the new accessibility testing features of QF-Test.

Sign up now for free to special webinar "Accessibility Testing"

We are specialists for UI testing.

Automate your Web,  Java, Windows, Android and iOS tests!
Our tool and support team look forward to hearing from you.

Quick start for everyone

Get first test results fast with the Quickstart wizard that recognizes your application's technology automatically and if required, we provide support.

Tool for QA engineers and developers

QF-Test is user-friendly and easy to use for users without programming knowledge.
Users with developer background get their money's worth with scripting.

Everything you need for successful UI test automation!

Components Icon
Reliable object identification

QF-Test stands for robust component recognition & infrequent maintenance.

App Window Badge Icon
Daily regression tests

Monitoring of the test results for documented good software quality & a good feeling.

QF-Test integrations
Flexible integrations

Common tools like Jira, Jenkins, databases, Git can be linked with QF-Test.

Report pie chart Icon
Customizable reports

Individualizable test reports for your needs as html or xml report.

What clients say about QF‑Test and our support team!

"We are very happy and look forward to further automation projects with QF‑Test."

Jörg Riebschläger, Test responsible

KOLUMBUS, innovas GmbH, Germany

"With QF-Test even colleagues without programming knowledge can create GUI tests."

Alexander Orbach


"QFT makes it easy to automate the tests. A lot of things have been taken care in the backend to make the user’s life comfortable."

Shivam Trehan, Software Test Specialist

Ravensburg, Germany

"QF-Test is the best automated GUI testing tool and has the best support team I ever saw."

Huawei Luo

Tibco Software Inc., USA

Direct contact is very important to us!

Just contact us whenever questions occur:
via email to service@remove-this.qftest.com or phone + 49 8171 38648-10.

QF-Test news

  • The online magazine "Informatik Aktuell" has published an article on “Accessibility testing for web applications: Three approaches and additional considerations”. QF-Test will also provide accessibility tests for websites from the next version.

  • We are starting the new year with an invitation to our exciting new special webinar by Lilia Gargouri, a proven expert in quality assurance and test automation and soon to be a member of the German Testing Board.

  • Over the past few months, we have been able to implement many exciting developments and innovations in QF-Test.

    We have adapted our UI to make it more attractive and user-friendly. Two new themes allow you to customize the display.

    As a highlight, we have opened up a new test platform with iOS and thus completely covered the mobile operating systems.

    We wish you and your loved ones a relaxing time for the upcoming holidays. Enjoy some “quality” time and recharge your batteries for the new…

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